Thursday, 4 January 2018

Nature of Educational Psychology

Nature of Educational Psychology

  Educational psychology may be gathered from the following points.

An Applied Science.

 Educational psychology is an applied science or we may say applied psychology because it is the application of psychological principles to the field of education.

A Positive Science.

 Educational psychology is a positive science and not a normative science. This means that it just explains the educational facts as they are and does not judgements over them. Thus it studies the law of child s nature as they are and ought to be.

A Social Science.

  Educational psychology is a social science. Though educational psychology studies the individual from the educational point of view its results are applicable to all the individuals are atlas to a group of individuals. Thus this science has social implications.  

An Educational Science.

 By its very implications educational psychology deal with educational problems only. Thus while general psychology deals with the behaviour of the individual in various spheres. Educational psychology studies the behaviour of the individual in education sphere only.

A Specific Science.

 The science of psychology is somewhat general in nature.  It studies of human mind in its entirety. Educational psychology selects from the total field of general psychology only those facts and principles that is of specific significance and utility for the process of learning and teaching.

A Practical Science.

 Educational psychology is not merely speculative in nature with no relevance to the world reality. It is rather utilitarian and practical in nature. The educator and the teacher make use of the knowledge of educational psychology at every step. In fact effective teaching is impossible without the knowledge of educational psychology.

A Growing and Developing Science.

 The science of educational psychology is ever growing due to constant researcher in this field. This science deals with human nature which is too deep to be probed fully. New facts about human nature are therefore coming to the fore on account of researches in this field. Thus the science of educational psychology is ever growing and developing.

An Academic Discipline.

 G. Lester Anderson is of the view that educational psychology is an academic discipline. It is so since it is focused upon the human behaviour. Its results can be summarised or generalised into principles or theories. The information, the knowledge, its principles, its methodology all that constitutes the substance of educational psychology provide a basis for educational theory and practise.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Educational Psychology


  The field of educational psychology was founded by several pioneers in psychology just before the start of the twentieth century.Three pioneers stand out in the early history of educational psychology.

William James 

 Soon after launching the first psychology textbook, Principle of Psychology (1890) William James gave a series of lectures called Talks to Teachers in which he discussed the application of psychology to educating children. James argued that laboratory psychology experiments often can not tell us how to effectively teach children. He emphasized the importance of observing teaching and learning in classrooms for improving education.

John Dewey 

 A second major figure in shaping the field of educational psychology was John Dewey (1859-1952),
who became a driving force in the practical application of psychology. Dewey established the first major educational psychology laboratory in the United States, at the University of Chicago (1894). Later, at Columbia University, he continued his innovation work.
We owe many important ideas to John Dewey.
 Frist, we owe to him the view of the child as an active leaner. In contrast, Dewey believed that children learn best by doing.
 Second, we owe to Dewey the idea that education should focus on the whole child and emphasized the child's adaptation to the environment.
 Third, we owe to Dewey the belief that all children deserve to have the competent education. Dewey pushed for a competent education for all children girls and boys as well as children different socioeconomic and ethnic groups. 


 A third pioneer was E.L. Thorndike (1874-1949), who initiated an emphasis on assessment and measurement and promoted the scientific underpinnings of learning. Thorndike argued that one of schooling s most important task is to home children s reasoning skills, and he excelled at doing exacting scientific studies of teaching and learning. Thorndike especially promoted the idea that educational psychology must have a scientific base and that it should focus strongly on measurement.


 Psychology is the study of human behaviour, and Education is a process aiming at the modification of human behaviour. Thus both deal with human behaviour. Psychology studies human behaviour as it can be modified. Thus, Psychology and Education are just the two
sides of a coin. Educational Psychology is, therefore that branch of educational science, which deals with human behaviour and its modification.

Definition of Educational Psychology

 Skinner s View 

  According to Skinner Educational Psychology deals with the behaviour of human being in educational situations.

Stephen s View 

 Educational Psychology is the systematic study of the educational growth and development of a child.

Trows View 

 Educational Psychology is the study of the psychological aspects of educational situations.

Nature of Educational Psychology

Nature of Educational Psychology   Educational psychology may be gathered from the following points. An Applied Science.  Educ...
